Seventeenth Myanmar Health Sector Coordinating Committee Meeting held virtually
Nay Pyi Taw, 17th November 2020
The seventeenth h Myanmar Health Sector Coordinating Committee was held virtually on 17 November 2020, the meeting was chaired by His Excellency Dr. Myint Htwe, Union Minister of the Ministry of Health and Sports.

During the meeting, members of the M-HSCC discussed the M-HSCC restructuring, leadership, management and coordination support, and an overview ofthe National Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
After these discussions representatives from GAVI - the Vaccine Alliance, the World Bank, the Access to Health Fund, USAID, ADB, JICA and UNOPS provided updates on implementation progress and technical assistance work in Myanmar.
In addition, representatives from the Executive Working Groups on Communicable Diseases, Non-communicable Diseases and Health System Strengthening, the Inter-agency Coordinating Committee for EPI, the Health Cluster, the RMNCAH Technical Strategy Group, and the Community presented updates on current progress, challenges, and ways forward.
Thirty-two amongst a total of35 M-HSCC members were present at the seventeenth h M-HSCC virtual meeting. The Deputy Minister, Permanent Secretary, Director Generals, Deputy Director Generals, Directors, and Programme Managers from the Ministry of Health and Sports, senior officials from the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry and the Ministry of Home Affairs, representatives from bilateral donor agencies, international financing institutions, UN agencies and development partners also attended the meeting.
Source: Ministry of Health and Sports’ Facebook Page