
M-HSCC is to contribute to improving the health and well-being of the population of Myanmar


Structure Of The Myanmar Health Sector Coordinating Committee (M-HSCC)

The Myanmar Health Sector Coordinating Committee (M-HSCC) was established as an instrument or partnership forum comprising several representative constituents who are drawn from government, non-government and international institutions to perform the roles and functions described in the Governance Manual, and not as individuals representing particular interests, organizations, entities or institutions. The structure intended is functional, in order that the roles, functions and responsibilities can be carried out effectively and efficiently by M-HSCC Members. The M-HSCC is constituted on the basis of broad representation of the major constituencies in the health sector. For this purpose, the management of the M-HSCC is carried out by a Chair and a Vice Chair, who are assisted by a Secretary who with a Secretairat executes the day-to-day tasks and facilitates decisions of the M-HSCC with the support of the Executive Working Group of the M-HSCC. To enable the M-HSCC to function effectively, efficiently and productively, the M-HSCC is supported by various committees, technical working groups and ad hoc teams as needed. The following figure provides a graphic representation of the structure of the M-HSCC. For space availability reasons, only two generic TSG structures are presented in the figure.

It must be noted, however, that there are 8 Technical Strategy Groups (TSG), namely, (i) TSG-AIDS; (ii) TSG-TB; (iii) TSG-Malaria; (iv) TSG Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn , Child health (RMNCH); (v) TSG Evaluation&Research (M&E) and Research; (vi) TSG Health Systems Strengthening (HSS) ; and (vii) TSG Public Health Emergency and Disaster Preparedness (PHEDP). TSGs may be abolished or created as per recommendation of the M-HSCC.

Election of M-HSCC Members and Alternates

The M-HSCC is comprised of Members who represent various constituencies.

These Constituencies are the

  • Government of Myanmar
  •  Parliament representative
  • UN agencies
  • Development Partners (bilateral partners and donors)
  • International Finance Institutions
  • National NGOs and Professional groups
  • Community-based organizations (CBOs) and Faith-based organizations
  • International NGOs (INGOs) operating in-country
  • Private sector
  • People living with diseases/ Persons with disabilities
  • Academic constituency

Within each of the Constituencies above, organizations that are interested in and working on health issues can choose one or more organizations which shall then select one person to serve as an M-HSCC Member who represents that Constituency on the M-HSCC.

The selection process of representatives of a constituency must be developed within the Constituency, and must be conducted in a transparent and inclusive manner based on clear criteria. The criteria, the election process and the results of the election process shall be documented by the Constituency. The resulting documentation must be sent to the M-HSCC Secretariat, to document make publicly available. The M-HSCC cannot dictate the process to be used for election, other than to stipulate that the process must be transparent, inclusive and based on clear criteria so that constituencies can have a genuine and accountable representation.

The M-HSCC cannot dictate the process to be used for election, other than to stipulate that the process must be transparent, inclusive and based on clear criteria so that constituencies can have a genuine and accountable representation.

All constituencies represented on the M-HSCC have the option of selecting Alternates. In practice, for the Non-Government Constituency, 10 Alternates have been selected by their constituencies: 2 by the United Nations constituency, 2 by the International NGO constituency, 1 by the national NGO constituency, 2 by the People Living with Diseases constituency, 1 by development partners and 3 by the Community and Faith Based Organizations.